Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bff's Complete your Circle

This week's devotional is part 6 of the BFF Series: Bff's Complete Your Circle.

And here are a couple little stories submitted by Phyllis Wall !


Said the butterfly to the toad, "Why do you bury yourself in the mud?"
Said the toad to the butterfly, "Why do you come out of that warm and cozy cocoon?"
Said the little boy to the frog and the butterfly, "It is better to stay cool and expect change than to dry out and have no hope."


Good morning to you all. Good morning, have a ball. A ball will bounce you here, bounce you there. Anywhere you are today, do something kind for others along the way. You'll see joy, just like a kid with a new toy! Be tall and have a ball!

Have a great week!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Share Your Load

This week's devo is part 5 of the BFF Series: Share your Load

And be sure to check out the details on the new bible study, Brave, starting on June 20th!

Please be in prayer for the children and teachers that are attending VBS this week!  
Pray that God will work in their lives in amazing ways!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BFF's Carry Your Mat

This week's devotional is part 4 in the BFF Series: BFF's Carry Your Mat.

This week, you must check out the following recipes submitted by Phyllis Wall!

Potato Soup

And check out all the awesome creations from last months MOPS at Clay Cafe!

Carrie's piece!

Jennifer's piece!

Mindy's piece!

Nicole's piece!

Sarah's piece!

Stephanie's piece!