Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Princess Diaries

This weeks devotional is brought to you by our very own Judy Williams.  Have a great week!

The Princess Diaries 
When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers,
The moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained;
What is man, that Thou dost take thought of him?
And the son of man that Thou dost care for him?
Yet Thou hast made him a little lower than God,
And dost crown him with glory and majesty!
Psalm 8:3-5

There is a line in "The Princess Diaries" that I cannot get out of my head.  Mia is talking to her best friend and says, "Someone sat on me again!"  It is the most descriptive way, I have ever heard, of someone saying they felt invisible.  Have you stood in a room with only a couple of other people and they didn't seem to notice you were there?  Have you been talking and in the middle of what you were saying the people around you started talking about something else?  Have you been "sat on!"?  Do you go unnoticed?  If so, then you know how it feels to go through life invisible.

I find it interesting that Jesus spent his ministry with those who were the invisible of society.  He touched the eyes of Blind Bartemaus and healed him.  The woman with the blood disease anonymously touched the hem of His garment wanting to find healing.  Christ turned to her and made her whole.  The lame man who could not get to the pool of Bethsada when the water was stirred was healed by the Great Physician.  The whole of society ignored each of these individuals even when they cried out for help, but Jesus took notice.  He stopped, even when those around Him wanted Him to hurry, and ministered to the needs of those anonymous people of society.  He not only stopped, He noticed.

Who are the unnoticed, invisible people around you?  Who is the anonymous person that needs Jesus' ministering touch?  Take a look around with open eyes -- with spiritual eyes -- to see an invisible hurting people who need the healing touch of Jesus.  Give me eyes to see and ears to hear.
Judy K. Williams

All rights reserved, (2001)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Risky Love

by Max Lucado

“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My father will honor. John 12:26”

Mary brought in a pint of very expensive perfume made from pure nard.  She poured the perfume on Jesus’ feet, and then she wiped his feet with her hair.  And the sweet smell from the perfume filled the whole house.  
John 12:3

When Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet, his disciples mocked her extravagance.  “Why waste that perfume?  It could have been sold for a great deal of money and given to the poor,” they smirked!
But don’t miss Jesus’ prompt defense of Mary:  “Why are you troubling this woman?  She did an excellent thing for me!”

There’s a time for risky love.  A time to pour out affection on one you love.  Seize it!

Someday, I can take her on that cruise.

Someday, the children will understand why I was so busy…

But you know the truth, don’t you?  Some days never come!

Write the letter.  Make the apology.  Take the trip.  Do it!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

What's Ahead will be Worth It

This week's devotion is brought to us by Holley Gerth: What's Ahead will be Worth it

And here is a poem written by our very own Phyllis Wall!


Does anybody care if I disappear?
Each night I live in fear.
I’m not sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

Do you see me in the dark?
Can you hear the lonely dog bark?
I’m not sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

Warm tears fall from my face.
Deep within my dark hiding place.
I’m not sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

I look out into a world passing by.
Leaving me curled in pain, why?
I’m not sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

It is up to me to crawl my way.
Darkness turns to the light of day.
I’m not sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

I see a change in the passer by.
They reach into my soul with their Hope filled eye.
I’m not sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

On my knees, with a helping hand.
Through the Solid Rock I stand.
I’m sure what will happen to me.
Let it be, let it be!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Phyllis Wall 2008

Monday, July 2, 2012

BFF's- Who are yours?

This week's devotional is the last in the series of Biblical Friends Forever: Who are yours? 

Speaking of BFF's, check out the BFF's that participated in Diva Night!